Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Catechism - For Little Children to Learn
Answer. GOD.
Quest. Who Redeemed you?
Answ. Jesus Christ.
Quest. Who Sanctifieth and preserves you?
Answ. The Holy Ghost.
Quest. Wherefore did God make you?
Answ. To Serve him.
Quest. How must he be served?
Answ. In Spirit and in Truth.
Quest. What is it to serve God?
Answ. To keep his Commandements.
Quest. How many Commandments be there?
Answ. Ten.
Quest. Which be they?
Answ. The same which God spoke in the twentieth Chapter of Exodus, saying, I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, out of the House of Bondage.
Quest. Which is the First?
Answ. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Quest. Which is the Second?
Answ. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven Image, or any likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the Water under the Earth: thou shalt not bow down thy self to them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the Iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and showing mercy unto thousands, of them that love me and keep my Commandements.
Quest. Which is the Third?
Answ. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain.
Quest. Which is the Fourth?
Answ. Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy, six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattel, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; for in six dayes the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the Sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath-day, and hallowed it.
Quest. Which is the Fifth?
Answ. Honour thy father and thy Mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
Quest. Which is the Sixth?
Answ. Thou shalt not kill.
Quest. Which is the Seventh?
Answ. Thou shalt not Commit Adultery.
Quest.. Which is the Eighth?
Answ. Thou shalt not steal.
Quest. Which is the Ninth?
Answ. Thou shalt not bear false Witness against thy Neighbour.
Quest. Which is the Tenth?
Answ. Thou shalt not Covet thy Neighbour's House, thou shalt not Covet thy Neighbours Wife, nor his Man-servant, nor his Maid-servant, nor his Oxe, nor his Ass, nor any thing that is thy Neighbour's.
Quest. Are you bound to keep all these Commandments?
Answ. YES.
Quest. Are you bound to keep them in Thought, Word, and Deed?
Answ. YES.
Quest. How are you bound to keep them?
Answ. By my Baptism and by the Word of God.
Quest:. Are you able to keep them of your self?
Answ. NO.
Quest. Why so?
Answ. Because I was conceived and born in sin.
Quest. From whence was that?
Answ. From Adam's Fall.
Quest. How did Adam fall?
Answ. By desiring to be as god, determining for himself what is good and evil.
Quest. Do you sin daily?
Answ. YES.
Quest. What is Sin?
Answ. The Breaking of God's Law.
Quest. What doth Sin deserve?
Answ. HELL.
Quest. What is Hell?
Answ. Darkness and Void.
Quest. How long doth it last?
Answ. For Ever and Ever.
Quest. Is it not a sad thing to lie under the Wrath of God for ever? to lie alone in darkness and lawlessness?
Answ. YES.
Quest. Can you deliver your self from Hell?
Answ. NO.
Quest. How must you be delivered.
Answ. Only by Jesus Christ?
Quest. Who is Jesus Christ?
Answ. The Son of God.
Quest. Is he not Man also?
Answ. YES. He was always God, and in the Fullness of time became Man, and so he is both God and Man, in two Natures without confusion, and one Person for ever.
Quest. What hath Christ done for Sinners?
Answ. He hath died for them.
Quest. What Death did he die?
Answ. The Death of the Cross.
Quest. Why died he that Death?
Answ. Because it is written, Cursed is he that hangeth upon a Tree.
Quest. Did Christ bear the Curse of God that was due to Sinners?
Answ. YES.
Quest. Are all the World saved by him?Answ. Yes.
Quest. Why so?
Answ. Because he has come to fulfill the regeneration of the entire creation.
Quest. Are all men saved by him?
Answ. No.
Quest. Why so?
Answ. Because he is not theirs.
Quest. What must we do, that Christ may be ours?
Answ. Believe on him.
Quest. What is it to Believe on him?Answ. To know that He is Lord of lords, King of kings, the Prince of peace.
Quest. What grounds of Encouragement have we to know Christ is sovereign?
Answ. These six:
1. He created all things.2. He became flesh and made his dwelling among us, sinners.
3. He overcame death, even death on a cross for our justification.
4. To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, fulfilling the convent made to Abraham: to be our God and the God of our descendants after us.
5. He is sitting on the right hand side of the Father until his enemies are made a footstool for his feet.
6. He will come again to be our Judge.
Quest. When is Christ offered?
Answ. In the Gospel.
Quest. Name some Places?
Answ. John 3. 16. God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life.
John 6. 37. Him that comes unto me, I will in no wise cast out.
I Tim. 1. 15. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the World to save sinners.
Quest. Multitudes are called and invited, why do they not come to Christ?
Answ. Because they are not Humble.
Quest. Why are they not Humble?
Answ. Because they do not see their sins and sinfulness.
Quest. What must we do that we may see our sins and our sinfulnesses?
Answ. God must grant us his grace:
1. We must search the Scriptures.
2. We must hear the Word of God Preached.
3. We must Examine our Consciences.
4. We must Pray to God for his Spirit and mercy.
Quest. If a poor Creature comes to Christ, crying, lamenting and confessing his sins, will Christ receive him?
Answ. YES, YES: His is merciful.
Quest. What will the Lord do for such a one that comes to him?
Answ. 1. He will Pardon all their sins through justification.2. He will give them Grace and his word, creation, and sacraments.
3. He will give them Peace through his word, creation, and sacraments.
4. He will Comfort them with his word, creation, and sacraments.
5. He will provide for them in his word, creation, and sacraments.
6. He will lead them by his word, creation, and sacraments
7. He will be their God.
Quest. What is Heaven?
Answ. The Kingdom of God.
Quest. When the Lord has done this for a poor Creature, what must he do for this good God of his?
Answ. He must be Humble and Thankful.
Quest. How must he shew himself Humble and Thankful?
Answ. He must love the Lord with all his Heart, with all his Soul, and serve the Lord with all his strength by obeying the Lord's will, and love his Neighbor as himself, and for the Lords sake; and this he must do all the days of his Life.
For little Children to Learn.
OUR Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.SAYINGS,
For little Children to Learn.
Remember thy Creator in the dayes of thy Youth; and thy Creator will remember thee in the dayes of thy Old Age.
To work is to pray and to pray is to work.
Grace is better than Gold.
It is better not to live in the World,
Than to live without God in the World.
One day in God's Courts,
Is better than a thousand elsewhere.
God's Presence makes Heaven, and
God's Absence makes Hell.
In God's favor is Life, and
In God's displeasure is Death.
Christ is a poor Sinners Hope.
Christ's Blood is a Souls Ransom.
To have a Portion in the World is a Mercy,
But to have the World for a Portion is Misery.
An Interest in Christ is the greatest Interest.
The Love of God is sweeter than Wine,
And better than Life.
God's Ways are the best Ways,
The worst of the ways of GOD, are better than the best of the ways of Sin.
Without Holiness no Man shall see the Lord.
Theology Directory
- 1st grade - creation (3)
- 2nd grade - A Short Instruction Into Christian Religion (1)
- Alejandro Antonio Chafuen (1)
- Apostle's Creed (1)
- Bartholomew (1)
- Bible study tools (1)
- biblical law (2)
- Catechism (3)
- children (1)
- church building (1)
- Collects (1)
- creation (5)
- creeds (2)
- debt (1)
- division of labour (1)
- Economics (2)
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- Faith and liberty (1)
- family (1)
- First sunday in advent (1)
- God's Law (2)
- holy ghost (1)
- holy spirit (1)
- humanism (1)
- Ignatius of Antioch (1)
- In His Service (6)
- last supper (1)
- Lent (1)
- Maundy Thursday (1)
- McGuffey's Presuppositions (1)
- mclaughlin scott archbishop christian church sermon prayer anglican (1)
- Memory work (2)
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- Nicene Creed (1)
- orthodox (1)
- philip Schaff (1)
- Place of Biblical Law (2)
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- primer (5)
- Remembering the Saints (1)
- resurrection (1)
- RJ Rushdoony (4)
- Saint (2)
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- The Blind Side (1)
- theft (1)
- vic lockman (1)
- witsunday (1)