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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Christendom economics? Allocation list:

We asked several questions: What kind of work should we do? How should we mange our time? What "taxes" are we required to pay? How should we spend our wealth? How should we invest our wealth? How should we preserve and grow our wealth? This is what we believe our Bible study taught us about economics:

1. We should work to glorify God, grow His Kingdom on earth.

2. The work should produce a fantastically efficient infrastructure, just courts, innovation, productive environment, health, bountiful agricultural economy, family and community charity, help to widows and orphans, peace, foundations, businesses and agencies, every gift and talent that God graced man with.

3. After Caesar's taxes (likened to locusts) our Net pay should be allocated: a) 1% to pay for the priest of our own choice for worship
b) 9% donated to an agency, foundation, or business of our choice "Holy unto the LORD"
c) 5% donated to help the poor of our choice (could be widow/orphan)
d) 5% to spend with our family to rejoice in the Lord (holiday funds)
e) 50% towards family business (about 17 grams of silver/year towards justice - haven't figured the application for this one out yet)
f) 20% towards investing in commodities
g) 10% long term savings to be preserved in cases of dire emergency but hopefully and inheritance for our children. (gold)
h) NO long term DEBT (in case of emergencies God allows a 6 year debt - MAX), (In countries where there is property tax - 30 year fixed rate mortgages are considered paying rent - This would also protect your family against the statist inflation tax.

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